Sunday, November 20, 2011

Shevington and Finch

I want to note a concern in realtion to 17th Century genealogy and that is the potential for a Finch origin in Shevington. The County Record office may have more information in this area although I point to this 'clipping'

Lease for 99 years at peppercorn rent DDX 92/16 19 June 1732

For 10/-: John Longworth of Ormskirk (as DDX 92/14) to William Clayton of Adlington esq.: -- as DDX 92/9 --: further to a deed of feoffment of equal date, which is recited (i.e. Same parties: -- The Finch Mill estate in Shevington, with named closes, (34 ac.) formerly part of Shevington Moor -- subject to an annuity of £20 to Hannah, widow of Jerelijah Finch, brother of Peter Finch, a previous owner). To lapse when H.F. executes a deed releasing W.C. from payment of such annuity. Witn. Henry Gibb, Henry Taylor, Alex. Leigh. Endorsed with schedule of previous deeds relating to the Tode.

This seems to indicate that at least in part we have a link to Shevington. Interesting in geographical terms but also and indication that the family were not always miners and industrial but possible 'yeoman' in status.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Grave: A12655

My thanks go to the kind people at the Online Parish Clerk office for their continued work on the cemetery and burials at Burnley. This is truly painstaking work and truly appreciated

Grave: A12655 Burnley Cemetery, Burnley, Lancs.
Burials in this grave:
Name Age Abode Gender Source Register Date buried
1 Nancy Jane Finch 57yrs 10 Woodsley Street F Book 11 #84516 8 Dec 1917
2 Richard Finch 74yrs Rosegrove Ableton La. Severn Beach Bristol M Book 14 #106028 20 Sep 1934
3 Annie Finch 47yrs Newchurch Homes Culcheth F Book 15 #117419 3 Oct 1944
4 Mary Finch 72yrs Coal Clough Lane F Book 17 #139034 1 Mar 1973

Grave: A12656 Burnley Cemetery, Burnley, Lancs.
Burials in this grave:
Name Age Abode Gender Source Register Date buried
1 Rose Lilian Finch 7yrs 10 Woodsley St F Book 12 #88164 16 Jul 1920
2 Margaret Tattersall 17yrs 187 Lowerhouse Lane F Book 13 #103784 12 Nov 1932